The Connor Brothers

I Drink

The Connor Brothers


Load of Fuss (Aqua)

The Connor Brothers


Why Fit In (Orange)

The Connor Brothers


Vice Versa (Green)

The Connor Brothers


I Drink (Blue)

The Connor Brothers


Tell me Beautiful Untrue Things (Green)

The Connor Brothers


Come Sit

The Connor Brothers


Why Fit In (Pink)

The Connor Brothers


A Load Of Fuss (Grey)

The Connor Brothers


Heaven (Mint Colour)

The Connor Brothers


Vice Versa (Peach)

The Connor Brothers


Every Saint And Sinner (Mint Colour)

The Connor Brothers


Tell me Beautiful Untrue Things

The Connor Brothers


Like The Fire Needs The Air (Bubblegum Pink)

The Connor Brothers


The Connor Brothers

The Connor Brothers is the pseudonym for British artists James Golding and Mike Snelle. The duo came to prominence in 2012 and for several years maintained their anonymity by using a fictional biography. Their prints and low edition originals blend humorous quips with Mills and Boon-style book covers which have become incredibly popular since their career began.

The Connor Brothers have exhibited internationally from New York, Sydney and Dubai to London, Hong Kong and Berlin and have proudly worked with CALM, the men’s mental health charity. Their work frequently appears at major auction houses with a record price being achieved in 2019. Works can also be found in major public and private collections including The Victoria and Albert Museum, The Penguin Collection and both the Omar Koch and Niarchos collections.

This obsession with truth and fiction can be seen throughout their work, and is particularly relevant in the current climate of fake news, post-truth, and social media obsession.